Home Energy Labeling

Helping people understand home energy use

In a well-functioning housing market, all assets of a home are recognized so that they can be accurately valued by appraisal and lending professionals. We’re working on increasing the amount of home energy information available in the market via home energy labeling programs like Home Energy Score.

The Home Energy Score was developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to provide homeowners, buyers and renters with actionable information about a home’s energy consumption. The score helps consumers understand a home’s energy use and compare it to other homes on the market, allowing them to make informed purchasing decisions. Since 2011, Earth Advantage has partnered closely with DOE to support the implementation of Home Energy Score programs across the country. We’re a national DOE Home Energy Score Partner and a certified Quality Assurance provider.



What We Offer

As an expert in Home Energy Score program implementation, we can help cities and states develop tailored strategies and solutions to help them achieve their home energy labeling goals. 


Program Development

We consult with cities and states on best practices and custom options for creating and deploying a Home Energy Score program, and design and deliver custom tailored Home Energy Score reports for any program. 

Program Administration

We provide training for Home Energy Score Assessors, quality assurance, compliance tracking, and coordination with a variety of program partners.

Data Transparency

We make Home Energy Score data visible to the market through our Green Building Registry platform.

Additional Resources

Qualified Assessors

A complete list of authorized home energy assessors

| View the List |


Home Energy Score Program Information

Visit the US Department of Energy website

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H.E.L.P. Program

Learn how we can guide your city on Home Energy Score

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