Introduction to Building Science Fundamentals

| Online course available on-demand |

Module 1 | Advanced Home Energy Assessor Training Series.


Length: 1.5 Hours

Join us for this online training and gain a deeper understanding of building science fundamentals. 

An increasing number of home buyers and sellers are looking to score their homes for energy efficiency. Assessors who attend this training will learn to apply their knowledge of building science terminology while working with customers. Learn to analyze how dynamic flows will affect the performance of a house, and to evaluate these homes in order to more effectively discuss home retrofits. By helping customers understand how their home performs, you will be able to guide them towards energy efficiency improvements. 

Recommended Audience

Builders / Contractors / Consultants / Home Energy Score Assessors / Home Inspectors / Program Representatives / Raters/Verifiers / Third-Party Verification Program Staff

Continuing Education

BPI: 0.75 
OR CCB: 1.5 
ICC: 0.15 


Jason Elton | Earth Advantage | View Bio

James Metoyer | EnerCity Collaborative | View Bio


Learning Objectives

  • Building science terminology.
  • Understanding laws of thermodynamics and the house as a system.
  • Evaluating insulation, duct design, and thermal properties of materials.
  • Analyzing moisture movement and relative humidity.
  • Ways to increase Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) while evaluating additional healthy homes considerations.



General Admission

Questions? Contact us below or call (503) 968-7160.