Individual Module Option 
The SHP online training consists of five individual modules, plus site visit tours of high performance building projects. For anyone interested in pursuing individual modules only, you can register for one or more (in any order you choose) using the links below:
To earn the SHP designation via this individual module approach, participants must complete all five modules, one out of the three High Performance Home Site Visits, and pass the quizzes, homeworks, and final project.
Learning Objectives
- Overcome common barriers & misconceptions of high performance building.
- Analyze the benefits of incorporating different green building products and approaches.
- Take advantage of financial incentives and technical assistance offered by governments, utilities and nonprofits.
- Identify the full breadth of building best practices from site layout to flooring selection.
- Enhance your knowledge of building science & how a home functions as a system.
- Establish a sustainable design goal by incorporating energy, water, & resource efficiency while maintaining a comfortable, durable, healthy building.
- Develop marketing strategies & support to strengthen the business case for green building.
- Gain a builder/designer-centric approach to achieving the following certification standards: Passive House, Zero Energy / Zero Energy Ready, Earth Advantage, BuiltGreen, LEED for Homes, EPS, ENERGY STAR, & more.