Middle Housing Zoning Updates for Bend & Beyond

| Online webinar available on-demand |

Learn about the impacts of HB2001 & SB458 in Bend, Oregon and all large cities in Oregon.


Length: 2 Hours

Join us for this special edition update training providing the latest in HB 2001 zoning changes for Bend and other larger housing markets. This online self-paced training was developed from a recorded webinar that took place on June 29, 2022. This on-demand training includes training videos and the recorded Q&A with Special Guests described below.

Oregon House Bill 2001 was passed into law in 2019 thereby requiring Oregon cities with more than 2,500 people to update their ADU codes to eliminate occupancy requirements and off-street parking requirements as of January 2020 (see map of affected cities). The city of Bend’s code was updated on November 5, 2021 to reflect this change, while HB2001 will go into effect statewide on July 1st, 2022. This class covers how these new residential zoning regulations under HB2001 will dramatically change what can be done on residential properties, including duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, townhouses and cottage clusters.  

Simultaneously, Oregon Senate Bill 458 will be going into effect statewide on July 1, 2022 which will allow for fee simple land divisions of middle housing. This will allow a lot to be divided into multiple smaller lots, which will hopefully foster the creation of lower cost housing options in rapidly appreciating markets like Bend.  

This training will address this legislative topic and provides an opportunity for attendees to consider how these zoning changes impact their development entitlements. 

Recommended Audience

Appraisers / Architects / Builders / Contractors / Code Officials / Developers / Real Estate Professionals / Remodelers

Continuing Education

OR Real Estate Agency: 2 CEs 
CCB: 2 CEs  
Earth Advantage Broker Renewal: 2 CEs 
Accredited Green Appraiser Renewal: 2 CEs


Kol Peterson | Accessory Dwelling Strategies LLC | View Bio


Learning Objectives

  • Learn the latest info regarding Oregon HB2001 & SB458 that go into effect statewide on July 1st, 2022.
  • Understand zoning regulation impacts and changes from HB2001 & SB458 in the City of Bend and other larger housing markets.
  • Identify allowable development options on residential properties, including duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, townhouses and cottage clusters.
  • Consider how these zoning changes will impact development entitlements and ask questions about these new regulations as well as market development feasibility variables.



General Admission


Questions? Contact us below or call (503) 968-7160.