Thank you! I’m excited to be here! Throughout my career, I have always been intrigued by the work Earth Advantage was performing and the impact you all were making in the market. My experience with energy compliance and above code programs with national homebuilders has provided me a perspective to understand some of the challenges the home building industry faces in our country today. In my time here at EA I am looking to leverage what I learned to help create a more cost effective and cleaner built environment. Juggling the desired outcomes for each type of organization in the building ecosystem will be the greatest challenge, but I believe EA has a unique position in the market to facilitate change.
Shhhhh! Don’t say that too loudly. My heart never left Portland when surfing drove me to seek out warmer water. After I married and we had our daughter the draw of family brought me back to Portland.
Being a change agent. You can either stick your head in the sand or face the music that we need change how we address our built environment if we want to preserve our natural resources for future generations. I’m excited to collaborate with professionals inside and outside of EA, locally and nationally, all working towards the same outcome. We are louder and more effective together.
Banana Slugs. I freakin’ love those things. Other than that, I love everything about the PNW natural environment, the abundance of like-minded people, my family, my friends.
It’s going to take alignment of various initiatives to succeed including trades and builder education, real estate & lending education, manufacturing availability, municipal and utility partners, and financial opportunities. But I think the key in all of this is an open mind able to rethink the status quo, and to accept that current solutions may not be viable in the future.
Live music. I miss that feeling in my soul.